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Why Pantree Loves Genuine Tea

Why Pantree Loves Genuine Tea

In the bustling world of corporate culture, finding unique and creative ways to foster connection, boost morale, and promote wellness among employees is crucial. We are constantly creating new ways to treat our staff to events and tastings of new products and brands that we love to work with. Although we started off in the early days of our business as an office coffee delivery service with an emphasis on our love for local coffee roasters, we have now become the premier office pantry service provider in Toronto for a vast array of snacks and beverages and that includes--among many things--sourcing and delivering premium teas. And one of the companies we absolutely adore is Genuine Tea.

Voted recently as Best Tea in Toronto, Genuine Tea is the real deal. Founded in 2015 after the owners spent time living in Taiwan for five years, Genuine Tea was inspired by a love of tea and adventure. The founders travel to plantations around the world in search of the finest teas, focusing on award-winning quality, sustainable agriculture, and ethical practices.

Genuine Tea is one of Canada’s Most Awarded Tea Companies and a proud leader in the Third Wave Tea Movement. They work with some of the top cafes,
restaurants, offices and hotels in Canada and to top it off, all of their teas are blended and packaged by hand in Toronto, Canada.

Pantree x Genuine Tea

But there's more! Here are just a few reasons why Pantree loves Genuine Tea

  1. Commitment to Quality: Genuine Tea is renowned for its unwavering commitment to quality. From sourcing the finest tea leaves to meticulous production processes, each sip of Genuine Tea is a testament to excellence. 

  2. Diverse Range of Offerings: Whether it's robust black teas, delicate green teas, or soothing herbal and adaptogenic blends, Genuine Tea offers a diverse range of options to suit every palate. Pantree prides itself on catering to diverse tastes and preferences, and Genuine Tea's extensive selection aligns perfectly with this ethos.

  3. Ethical Sourcing Practices: Pantree places a strong emphasis on ethical sourcing, and Genuine Tea shares this commitment. By prioritizing partnerships with responsible tea growers and promoting sustainability throughout their supply chain, Genuine Tea aligns with Pantree's values of social and environmental responsibility.

  4. Support for Local Businesses: As a Toronto-based company, Pantree values supporting local businesses and fostering a sense of community. Genuine Tea, with its roots in Ontario, embodies this spirit of locality. By partnering with Genuine Tea, Pantree not only offers exceptional products but also contributes to the growth of the local economy.

A Guide To A Genuine Tea Tasting At Your Next Corporate Event

As part of our monthly Fuel Up Friday events for our employees at Pantree, we recently held a yin yoga session in our warehouse for our employees to wind down and reset before the weekend, followed by a tasting of teas from Genuine Tea.

If you're looking to host a Genuine Tea Tasting at your next office event, these are a few steps we took that can help you get started. The folks at Genuine Tea are *genuinely* so passionate and helpful, so if you have any questions or ideas, we encourage you to reach out to them for insight on their product or, of course, you can work with our excellent customer service team directly to help source the teas you want to showcase and have them delivered the next day through our office pantry delivery service

  1. Selecting the Teas: Work with Genuine Tea and Pantree to curate a selection of teas that cater to different preferences and dietary restrictions. Consider options from across their range of offerings, from loose leaf or pyramid tea bags, to matcha and lattes, to shelf stable sparkling iced tea. 

  2. Setting the Scene: Create a cozy and inviting atmosphere for the tea tasting. Set up tables with elegant teapots, cups, and saucers, along with informative placards detailing each tea's flavour profile and brewing instructions. Add floral arrangements or greenery to enhance the ambiance.

  3. Guided Tasting Experience: Enlist the expertise of an enthusiastic employee to research the tasting notes and guide participants through the tasting experience. They can provide insights into each tea's origin, brewing techniques, and flavour notes, enriching the experience for attendees.

  4. Incorporating Variety: In addition to hot teas, consider offering iced tea options for a refreshing twist. Genuine Tea offers a selection of loose-leaf teas that are perfect for brewing both hot and cold beverages. Serve chilled pitchers of iced tea alongside traditional hot tea service to cater to all preferences.

  5. Interactive Activities: Encourage engagement by incorporating interactive activities into the tea tasting. Consider hosting a blind taste test where participants try to identify different teas based on flavour alone, or invite attendees to vote for their favourite blend at the end of the tasting.

Our Favourite Flavours

Truth be told, we've never had a bad tea from Genuine Tea, but these are some of our favourite flavours at the office right now: 

Cream of Early Grey: A lush and nostalgic cuppa
Lemon Ginger Rooibos: A soothing pick me up at any time of day without the caffeine
Organic Calming Butterfly Pea: For the added adaptogenic benefits and the fun, vibrant colour

Incorporating a Genuine Tea tasting at your next corporate event offers a unique opportunity to delight and engage attendees while promoting wellness and community. Pantree's partnership with Genuine Tea exemplifies the shared values of quality, diversity, and sustainability that drive both companies forward. Reach out to us at info@pantree.ca to see how we can help you create a memorable and enriching experience that leaves a lasting impression on your team!

Until next time, 
The Pantree Team

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